The Pawsome Surprise: A Family’s Unexpected Discovery After Adopting a Shelter Dog

A few years back, Lieschen O’Neill made a spontaneous visit to the Lawrence Humane Society in Kansas, claiming she was just there to browse. However, as Lieschen jokingly admits, no one goes to the Humane Society just to window shop. True to her prediction, Lieschen found herself captivated by a dog named Belle and ended up taking her home. Belle, a unique rescue dog, has since brought immense joy and change into Lieschen’s life. Despite her distinctive traits, Belle’s charm has only endeared her to those around her. Get to know Belle through her endearing story below.

shelter dog named belle

@bellebows4117 noticed a change in Belle as she grew from a puppy to an adult. Her family began to see something unique about her appearance, especially in her eyes. They appeared to always have a surprised or shocked expression. Concerned about this difference, Belle’s family took her to the vet for assessment.

dog lying on top of stairs

@bellebows4117 recently had her dog Belle’s eyes and face checked by the vet, who explained that Belle’s unique appearance was likely due to being stuck in the birth canal during birth. This caused her muscles to grow differently, giving her a slightly bug-eyed look. Belle’s owner assured everyone that despite her dry eyes at times, she is perfectly healthy and has prescription eye drops for when needed. Belle may look different, but she is beautiful in her own unique way.

adopted bug-eyed dog

When Lieschen first entered the doors of Lawrence Humane Society, Belle caught her eye in the kennel. Belle eagerly approached Lieschen, seeking attention and affection. “She leaped into my lap, showered me with licks, and in that moment, we knew Belle belonged with us. It was a wonderful day,” Lieschen recalled.

dog looking into the mirror

@bellebows4117 is a beloved member of their family, and they couldn’t imagine life without her. Since being adopted, Belle has become an essential part of their lives. Despite her unique quirks, Belle is the perfect dog for them – a fantastic companion, a great listener, and just an all-around wonderful pup.

One of Belle’s favorite things in the world is slippers. She absolutely adores them and loves carrying them around. Whether it’s one slipper, two slippers, or even three, she’ll happily gather them up and prance around with them in her mouth, much to their amusement.

Aside from her penchant for slippers, Belle is just like any other dog. She enjoys treats, naptime, cuddles, and, of course, spending time with her family. For more adorable moments with Belle, you can follow her adventures on Instagram and TikTok.

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